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Container Lifestyle Goals

Shipping Container Home (from Pinterest)

Container homes have been on trend for the last couple of years. more and more people are ditching the expenses and wasted spaces of conventional dwellings to smaller; compact and affordable homesteads.

And I've become one of those people opting for a sizable home for my little one and I. Compact, affordable and super cute cozy home; low maintenance and easily movable; it can be interchangeable when all grown up needing more room space. It too can be turned into an office space or better yet investment property as a rental.

So I've been researching and playing on floor plan ideas; all this has only excited me more, its got me worked up. However the question always comes back to costs, costs and costs. To think of buying a stand then adding all construction and material costs; which will leave you at an intersection... Being, whats the difference in buying a townhouse(in RSA) and building your container home; they both roughly cost the same. So do you go through the construction hassles and time span or just buy a townhouse "& hope it don't come with maintenance issues"? Then again, container homes are said to stress free with maintenance. Some don't like the appearance of container homes even though they can be spruced up/remodeled to ones taste.

What's your take?

Being a designer the option is kinda obvious haha, I want my own work, my own design. That being said, plannings and savings; container home lifestyle is thy future!

Modular Design from Pinterest.

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